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  • 西番蓮(學名:Passiflora caerulea L.),為多年生常綠攀緣木質藤本植物,是一種芳香可口的水果,有“果汁之王”的美譽。又名雞蛋果、受難果、巴西果、百香果、藤桃、熱情果、轉心蓮、西洋鞠,轉枝蓮、洋酸茄花,時計草。

    西番蓮主要成分glycosides葡萄糖、 lavonoids類黃酮、 harmine肉葉芸香鹼、 harmane alkaloids哈爾明生物堿、 maltol麥芽醇。



    • Passionflower scientific name is Passiflora caerulea L.

      Perennial evergreen climbing wooden vines.Aromatic and delicious, Has the reputation of king of juice.

      The main ingredients areglycosideslavonoidsharmineharmane alkaloidsmaltol.It has a strong aroma, sweet and sour taste, and can produce thirst and quench thirst.It can increase appetite and promote digestive gland secretion.The fruit contains multiple vitamin can lower blood lipids, prevent arteriosclerosis and lower blood pressure.Contains up to 165 compounds.17 kinds of amino acids and anti-cancer active ingredient.Can prevent cells aging and cancer.It ha anti-aging and beautifying effects.

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