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學 名:Opuntia dillenii Ker.Haw


訴 求:仙人掌的種子所萃取出的仙人掌油,因為 裡頭含有不少的不飽和脂肪酸,因此除了 保濕鎖水的效果性外,對於肌膚損傷的修 復也有相當的助益。

使    用:美國印地安人常常會將仙人掌充當天然的肌膚保濕與防曬產品。

特    性:含有蔗糖、纖維質、維生素A、維生素C、礦物質像鈣及鉀、一些氨基酸、檸檬酸、及一些黏多醣成分 。

應    用:仙人掌所含的養份有一萬多種,可維持癌症患者的免疫機能,增加抵抗感染的能力。而在皮膚護理方面也有保濕作用及增加皮膚彈性等功效,其成份中的凱茵庭物質,可活化真皮組織中的纖維母細胞,進而產生膠原蛋白,延緩肌膚老化。


減少脂肪吸收和脂肪吸附,正因如此,此成份才對減肥有好處。仙人掌可以減低脂蛋白膽固醇和三酸甘油酯; 而且還是一種非常好的抗氧化劑。還有因過度飲酒造成醉酒的天然解酒劑。有助於疼痛症狀、疲勞和疲倦以及因此帶來的壓力的緩解。


仙人掌花-Cactus flower

  • Extracted from cactus is a natural skin care ingredient.
    Scientific name: Opuntia dillenii Ker.Haw
    Place of origin: Northeast of Mexico and south of Texas
    Appeal: The cactus oil extracted from cactus seeds contains much unsaturated fatty acids. So the moisturizing effect is good, also very helpful for repairing the damage skin.Use: American Indians often use cactus as natural skin moisturizing and sun protection products. Characteristic: Contains sucrose, fibrous, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, minerals like Calcium and Potassium, some amino acids, citric acid and some mucopolysaccharide composition.

    Application: There are over 10000 nutrients in cacti. It can maintain the immune function of cancer patients. Increase the ability to fight infection. In skin care, it also has moisturizing effect and increase ski elasticity. Kaiyin substance in its composition can activate fibroblasts in dermal tissues. In turn, collagen is produced and delay skin aging.    
    Cactus extract helps eliminate intestinal infections and remove pathogens. Kill the deadly virus. Clear intestinal mucus, waste and regulate the movement of the large intestine. It has anti-inflammatory and swelling effect. So it helps to improve customs inspection, prostatitis and hepatitis. Good for diabetics for improve insulin and blood sugar function.   
    Reduce fat absorption. Because of this, this ingredient is good for weight loss. Cactus can reduce lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride. It is a good antioxidant. It is a natural anti-alcoholic agent for drunk. Relieve pain and fatigue.
    Increase the resistance of athletes. Tissue cells recover quickly. Improve the body’s resistance to stress. Because of this, the product also has anti-aging effects.

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