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1. 眼部積水-又稱作眼歛水腫,由不好淋巴循環液體和毛細血管滲透造成的液體堆積。



只要 15天,它就能削減眼袋並且能維持效能。

實驗證實,70% 的女性 15天 內改善眼袋 實驗結束時,95%的女性減少了眼袋 95%的受試者展現減少腫脹的眼睛 95%的受試者擁有更滑順的眼部肌膚。


30天顯著增加皮膚含水程度。15天後,63%的志願者減少眼袋 眼袋容積在15天內減少了將近 3%。顯著增加 3%,展現亮白效果。






乙酰四肽-5-Acetyl tetrapeptide-5

  • The skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin. Therefore, the impact of fragility and loss of elasticity is very huge.  

    There are two types of eye bags.

    1.Water accumulation in the eyes-Also called eyelid edema. It is a liquid accumulation from bad lymphatic circulation fluid and capillary penetration.

    2.Fat accumulation-the fat that accumulates in the bottom layer of the eye will protrude from the eye socket. Causes accumulation of bags under the eyes. This type of cause is due to the fragility of the tissues near the eyes. Acetyl tetrapeptide-5 can resist edema. In the experiment should prove the effect of reducing eye bags. 70% of women improve eye bags within 15 days. 95% of women reduced eye bags after the experiment.95% of tester reduce eye swelling and has more smoother eye skin.Inhibit blood vessel penetration by different concentration. In the human body, it can correspond to reducing the penetration of liquid caused eye bags. Contact Us to Purchase

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